Program Details
Communication is a basic right of all individuals. Com-Span provides an environment that promotes communication skills of all individuals.
Com-Span encourages individuals to exchange information, news, ideas and feelings, not only for purposes of communicating basic wants and needs but also for pleasure and social connections.
Com-Span provides support for adaptive communication for those individuals who have limited speech. Adaptive communication may include communication with:
- American Sign Language
- Speech-generating devices
- Gesture systems
- Photos and picture symbols.

Community-Based Activites
Com-Span provides opportunities for social and recreational activities based on individual preferences. Com-Span is located in a residential neighborhood close to major stores, restaurants and parks within walking distance. Com-Span also has wheelchair accessible vans used to transport individuals to community-based activities.
Examples of community-based activities may include:
- Going for coffee
- Shopping
- Visiting museums
- Visiting the zoo
- Attending cultural festivals
- Going fishing
- Going to Birds Hill Park
- Visiting tourist sites in and around Winnipeg

Daily physical activity is an important part of Com-Span’s program. Exercise programs are offered to all individuals in a large gym-like room.
Some examples include:
- Laps
- Yoga
- Bikes
- Adapted games such as hockey, volleyball, beanbag toss,
- Gentle chair exercises
- DVD workouts (Richard Simmons, Zumba, Line dancing)
- Individual exercise programs
Com-Span uses the following exercise and safety equipment to provide a wide variety of safe and interesting physical activities for the individuals that access the program.
- Bean bag bed
- Pod Swing
- Overhead Track System throughout the building, used with Voyageur brand lift
- Portable Lift
- Twin medical bed with massage option
- Adjustable plinth (twin)
- Double wide adjustable plinth
Recreational and Educational Services
Com-Span offers a wide range of recreational and educational activities in-center. These activities are tailored to meet individual preferences and needs.
Examples of these activities include:
- Music therapy
- Yoga
- Arts and Crafts
- Cooking sessions
- Games
- Novel Studies
- Current Events (Sports, News, Entertainment)
- Black light sensory based activities
- Science Experiments
- Karaoke parties
- In-house sporting activities

Work-Related Activities
Com-Span Inc. encourages each individual to learn and build on existing skills in order to develop greater independence. Daily living task and community-based opportunities are offered to support this.
Opportunities for work-related activities at the Com-Span Inc. include:
- Shopping for supplies
- Light housekeeping
- Laundry
- Lunch preparation
- Office work
- Delivering and mailing letters
- Paper shredding
- Stuffing envelopes
- In-house recycling program
- Sorting and transporting recyclable items to the depot
- Gardening
Volunteering Activities
Com-Span strives to ensure that participants within this agency are a valuable part of the community. This is achieved by providing individuals with opportunities to volunteer within the community.
Examples of volunteering activities include:
- Recycling program in conjunction with the Winnipeg Public Library
- Assisting at St. Mary’s United Church (light cleaning, folding flyers)
- Delivering for Meals on Wheels